Sunday 12 August 2012

What a Weekend

Well its been quite a weekend, not only has the sun shone, but we have done amazing in the Olympics. Way to go Team GB.  It makes you very proud to be British at the moment.

So back to Norfolk and what we have been up to.  As it was so nice yesterday we decided to take a drive out to some Lakes so that my hubby could check them out for future fishing expeditions . The Lakes were amazing, absolutely beautiful surroundings and very clean and only about an hours drive from home.  Something tells me he will be taking our sons there for a fishing trip next time they come up

If you want to take a look at the lakes for youself then check out their website Here

I also spent some time in the garden picking some of the fruits of Hubbies labours.  Runner beans, French beans, Potatoes and Tomatoes from the green house.  We have been really lucky with the beans as most of the other people I have spoken to recently haven't had that good a crop this year.  This is the fouth bowl of french beans I have picked and about the third of runners and the with the amount of flowers we have on the plants there are going to be plenty more where they came from.

 Well our scaffolding is still around the house I will be glad when they have finnally finished it. You can see the scaffolding in the picture with Mimi. The pile of wood which Willow is standing on is the rotten stuff they took out and we will be using that for the fire this winter.  My flowers are now coming to an end we had a beautiful show this year all grown from seed and they looked lovely.

 Till Next Time

Jayne in Norfolk

Wednesday 8 August 2012

More Rainbows and some little plaques

Well after the late storm the other night the sun was shinning from the west and the rain was in the east as it was getting late but I still managed to get these pictures of the Rainbows.  For some reason my flash decided it was dark enough and wow what a fantastic effect (Sorry about the raindrops that fell on the lens as I was taking the pictures 

This weather sure is crazy here at the moment.

I have been making some plaques up to see if I can sell at work at they seem to be going down well, so well that I had an order from one girl for a special saying her daughter uses.  So I made up two for her to choose from.  If they go well I will have to make up some more....Christmas is coming and with luck I might get some more orders from them.

Jayne in Norfolk

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Where has the Summer gone

What on earth has happened to our summer this year? has it taken a holiday or something? I know the rain is good for the garden, and boy has it been good for our garden, but it would be nice to have some sunshine for a change without the rain.

This is a common site up here in Norfolk at the moment...Rainbows, and we are getting a lot of double ones too. My neighbor was so excited when she saw the double rainbow, she had never seen one before.

Going back to the garden, we have had a glut of beans this year.  None of the other people I have spoken to have had much success but we have already frozen 4 bags of French beans and 1 bag of runners and that's without the carrots, turnips and cauliflower I have frozen too.  The Tomatoes and Cucumber's are going mad in the greenhouse along with the peppers.  So it looks like its going to be salads all summer.  

Lets just hope the sun starts shinning soon.
Have a good day everyone

Jayne in Norfolk

Sunday 5 August 2012

Lets get this Show on the Road

Welcome to my little piece of Blog Land where I hope to  share some of my life with you.   I have recently taken part in a Chunky ATC Swap over at UKScrappers where we created and received an ATC made out of wood.  This was the one I send to a lovely Lady in Essex

and this one is what I received from my swap partner in South Lanarkshire, how fantastic is this

I have also just joined Postal Crossing which is a site where you send postcards to people all around the world.  It will be good to get some nice mail for a change instead of the usual bills.  This is my Postcard that is winging its way across the skies to Moscow in Russia

Well thanks for stopping by and taking the time to check out my little piece of cyber space Hope to see you again soon

Jayne in Norfolk